It’s almost the New Year but we here at Sprwt are still working hard to make our users’ lives easier and their businesses more successful. Sprwt is always improving and giving you new features to help make your meal prep business a success.
Soon we will be launching new features to help you with your reports, email, and GDPR compliance.
Multi-Date Reports
Printing reports used to be tedious work where you could only print your reports day by day. You would have to take time out of your busy schedule just to repetitively do the same thing to get the reports you need.
So we at Sprwt looked around for how we could save our users time so that they could spend it doing the important things: running their business! That’s why we are launching the new multi-date reports.
Now Sprwt users have the ability to select multiple dates to print reports. This saves you time and effort which you can spend running your business and making it the success it deserves to be.
Klaviyo Email Marketing
What’s a great way to promote your business to new and existing customers? Email marketing! Email marketing allows you to directly contact possible or existing clients and promote your business. Email marketing is one of the most powerful marketing tools in today’s online world and now Sprwt is bringing that power to its users.
Klaviyo is a powerful email marketing platform used by thousands of businesses around the world to generate leads and sales.
This week phase 1 of Klaviyo email setup with Sprwt will be completed. Giving you access to this powerful marketing tool!
If you want to take your marketing to the next level then contact us for pricing for integration.
GDPR Cookie Compliance
Been on any websites recently? Did you notice that all of them kept asking for permission to use cookies? Recently the EU passed legislation requiring websites to attain permission from website users to use cookies to track their website data.
We went ahead and made it super easy for our users to comply with these new GDPR laws. Sprwt has added GDPR settings for tracking cookies and such, making it easy for your meal prep business to comply with the latest EU laws.