COVID-19 was declared a pandemic on March 11th, 2020. Now, over five months later, people everywhere are still struggling to create their new normal amidst this pandemic. Vulnerable communities with minimal access to basic resources are disproportionately struggling. One of those essential resources is food – and that, of course, is Sprwt’s primary space. We provide a start-to-finish software solution for companies preparing nutritious and delicious meals, for which there is a growing demand, as COVID continues to overwhelm the United States.
Like so many companies, we asked ourselves the urgent question: how can we leverage our technology and resources to help our clients give back to so many communities impacted by COVID-19? Here at Sprwt, we’ve always prided ourselves on adapting our software to fit the needs and ambitions of our diverse clientele. Now, we’re eager to share with you the story of one of our clients, Chef Jess, and their determination to give back to communities impacted by COVID-19.
A team of registered dieticians and chefs, Chef Jess has aimed to make leading a healthy lifestyle both easy and enjoyable since 2011. In addition to at-home meal delivery, the team offers extensive nutrition counseling to individuals and organizations in the greater Washington DC area.
When Jen pondered how Chef Jess could leverage their resources to contribute to COVID-19 relief efforts, she was extremely grateful for how quickly Sprwt fulfilled her request for a donation page. Sprwt is continually modifying and expanding their platform to best fit client needs, and to help clients be the best companies they can be. When a client wants to give back in some way, there are no second questions.
Sprwt quickly worked to help Chef Jess create a donation page on their website for essential workers, allowing their customers to donate a desired amount of money. Additionally, to ensure that making donations is maximally accessible, adding a donation when adding meals to your cart is an option. The impact so far has been astounding. They’ve sent donations to three different hospitals, as well as to Restaurant Depot and Giant Food, where many workers fall below the poverty line due to their annual pay. With their steady and enthusiastic customer support, Chef Jess is already feeding 200 families at the YWCA, just delivered 155 meals to a hospital last week, and has 160 meals to give to a hospital next week. The team plans to deliver meals to the Ronald McDonald House in DC regularly, as more families occupy space there with the increasing COVID-19 hospitalizations.
Chef Jess has decided that this won’t just be a temporary few months of donations, either. Realizing how easy it is to leverage customer support for community impact, Jen is eager to make this donation option a permanent and prominent part of their Chef Jess’s mission. Sprwt is on board, too, and is eager to see how Chef Jess transforms lives because of a simple, functional change.
Have an idea about how you can foster change using your business model? Let us know, because we want to help you help others. And no idea or change is too big or too small.