
Clean Creations

“I almost felt hopeless, because I didn’t know how we’d ever figure out how to automate this. So when Michael approached us, it was just like the heavens opened up and totally changed my life.”

Barbara and her husband started Clean Creations in New Orleans nearly nine years ago out of their home kitchen, at a time when meal prep companies were a rarity. A successful personal trainer, she noticed that many of her clients were consistent in the gym but weren’t seeing the results that they should have due to a lack of healthy eating options. She began to meal prep for a few of her closest clients, and her husband took care of delivery management and logistics. Their philosophy and mission has remained consistent over the past nine years: to change people’s lives with clean eating.

Challenges pre-Sprwt

Keeping track of customer orders and sending this data in a timely manner and accessible format to their culinary staff proved to be a near impossible task. With ordering cut-off times at midnight on Thursdays, Barbara would spend all night manually calculating the orders and inputting them into an excel spreadsheet for the chef to access and begin cooking Friday morning. No matter how meticulous she was, there were always mistakes. And, because they offered so many customization options for each meal, these manual tasks became even more unmanageable.

“One of the main things that we struggled with was taking all the orders that were coming into our website, and converting them to a spreadsheet to let our culinary team know what they had to prepare. It was a manual process, and took a tremendous amount of time. It was a total fiasco; it really was. Looking back on it now, I can’t even wrap my head around the fact that I did that for so long.”
“As long as your recipe is accurate, it’s going to scale accurately – and that is gold. It’s been a huge game changer and has saved us hours and hours of time.”
“It’s a really organized process based off of Sprwt’s reports- much more so than it was before.”
“It’s totally doable. I did it and I’m by no means a techie. But Michael was really good with helping.”


Creating a Scalable Business with Sprwt

Having a system that automatically systemizes the customer orders in many different formats was life-changing for Barbara and her kitchen staff. And that wasn’t the only automated report from Sprwt that revolutionized their day-to-day operations. The cooking and sub-ingredients reports were a miracle for the chefs, too. Before, they would look at the orders for a day and roughly estimate the ingredients needed. The result? Waste, waste, and more waste. As any chef knows, scaling the ingredients blindly like that will create irreversible errors. Barbara is endlessly grateful that the Sprwt software generates a scaled report based on the orders and associated recipes. She is no longer worried about eventually selling her business, because thanks to Sprwt, it is scalable and automated.

Speaking of transforming Clean Creations into a scalable business, Sprwt helped Barbara understand that giving customers too many options is simply not sustainable. Customer satisfaction is always the number one priority. But making unrealistic promises will only create anxiety and chaos for the owners and chefs, while likely culminating in disappointment for customers. Sprwt occupies the critical space between automation and customization. Customers can still insert their preferences, allergens, dislikes, and more, but Clean Creations will no longer go so far as to attempt to make a meatloaf vegan!

Systemizing Delivery

The plating team and delivery driver, Dean, also benefit from the systematization that Sprwt’s software offers. Before, Barbara’s husband struggled to create routes manually, and now savors the automated nature of Sprwt’s routing software. With Sprwt’s automatically generated labels, the plating team can easily organize meals based on the customer’s name. After each round of plating comes lidding, and the labels are all ready to go and pasted on each lid.

“We’ve kind of grown together, and what I like is that they hear us out and listen to what we need. They’re always willing to change and evolve, so that’s really awesome.”
Moving Forward with Constant Support

When Barbara first began onboarding with the Sprwt software, she was admittedly overwhelmed. But, because Michael was always there to support her and encourage her to take it one step at a time, she was able to steadily gain control and make the most of the new software. And, as she became more comfortable navigating the interface, the Sprwt team never left her side.

It is evident to Barbara and the Clean Creations team that Sprwt will always meet them where they are and directly resolve any glitches or issues encountered. After all, Clean Creations is the expert – they’ve been in the industry for nearly a decade – and Sprwt never claims to be a flawless solution. In fact, we understand that one of our keys to success is always to keep an open mind and always listen to our clients. Our progress and constant evolution are contingent on your needs.