¿Qué buscan realmente sus clientes? ¡Parte 2!
¿Qué más se debe tener en cuenta al comenzar o simplemente mejorar su empresa de preparación de comidas? Hasta ahora hemos discutido la importancia de la calidad de los ingredientes, la variedad y el tipo de recetas, y el tiempo de cocción / montaje. El artículo publicado en CulinaryNutrition.com “Servicios de preparación de comidas: ¿valen […]
¿Qué buscan realmente sus clientes?
¿Está tomando en consideración todos los aspectos que buscan los clientes potenciales en una empresa de preparación de comidas? Un artículo reciente publicado en CulinaryNutrition.com “Servicios de preparación de comidas: ¿valen la pena?” ofrece 9 sugerencias y diferencias que los clientes deben tener en cuenta al seleccionar una empresa de preparación de comidas. La lista […]
What’s new in 1.8.20?
Happy almost-Thanksgiving, Sprwt followers! It’s a busy time of year for everyone, including us. We’ve been working tirelessly to perfect our Root Planner software, which we can’t wait to release more updates about in the very near-future. But we’ve also been busy refining the main Sprwt software, and continuously rolling out updates to polish your […]
What are your clients really looking for? Part 2!
What else is there to consider when you’re starting or simply improving your meal-prep company? So far we’ve discussed the importance of quality of ingredients, variety and type of recipes, and cooking/assembly time. The article published in CulinaryNutrition.com “Meal Prep Services: Are They Worth It?” has several other invaluable tips. Keep reading for three more […]
What are your clients really looking for?
Are you taking into consideration all of the aspects potential clients seek in a meal prep company? A recent article published in CulinaryNutrition.com “Meal Prep Services: Are They Worth It?” offers 9 different suggestions customers should consider when selecting a meal prep company. The list is quite exhaustive, but if you run a meal prep […]
¿Cuánto tiempo lleva crear una empresa MEAL PREP?
Si nunca antes ha puesto en marcha un negocio, puede parecer una tarea abrumadora crear una empresa MEAL PREP, o cualquier empresa. Pero confíe en nosotros, en realidad es mucho más fácil y rápido de lo que piensa. No necesita ninguna experiencia especial en la industria de los restaurantes. No es necesario ser chef, nutricionista […]
How do I improve the profitability of my meal-prep business?
Competition continually seems to be squeezing my margins. How can Sprwt help? The demand for healthy meals for on-the-go individuals who don’t have time to cook continues to rise. In response, more and more companies within the food industry are offering a range of meal-prep and food-delivery services. Initially, food box services like Blue Apron […]
Introducing the Root Planner
We have an exciting addition to the Sprwt software ready to be released in just about a week. But we just can’t wait any longer to tell you about it. Soooo… introducing: the ROOT PLANNER. Get it? Root, as in route. That’s right – now we have an additional software designed to optimize your delivery […]
How long does onboarding take with Sprwt?
The struggle is real. Trying to juggle all the responsibilities of running a meal prep company has reached the point where adopting a software program just to help manage the backend of the business is a necessity. That’s us, of course: Sprwt. But at the same time, there just isn’t enough time to learn the […]
What’s New in 1.8.18?
It’s that time again – another Sprwt update! Now available to you is software update 1.8.18, and we can’t wait to tell you all about it. New Home Page Design First of all, we have a brand new template with new designs for your home page. This brand new format has been carefully designed with […]